Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 710
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712 APPLIED SCIENCES Compare the water storeage of chalk and sandstone and state how water is stored in the Chalk Downs Explain the principles of the classification of the Tertiary formations Of what does chalk consist 10 Give an instance of the persistence of type on the same area and explain the theory of distributional provinces 11 What were the Mesozoic Mammalia 12 Distinguish between Plesiosaurus and Ichthyosaurus -oology FIRST YEAR State some of the effects produced by atmospheric denudation Describe method for estimating the thickness of strata Under what condition will the words 11 strike" and Λ outcrop have the same meaning Express the difference between placoid and cycloid fossil scales To what life forms did they belong When did they originate Describe Oldhamia Sketch an orthoceras and state its analogies with an existing shell Draw section which will give an idea of the succession of three of the palaeozoic groups of strata and will indicate both the relative dip of the beds and the position of the more prominent subdivisions of the series What is known of the Cambrian and of its distribution in England Scotland and Wales State the general aspect of the Silurian formation in England and Wales and mention the inferences which the variation in the texture and composition of its rocks suggest 10 Write short essay upon the Devonian deposits
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