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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-694

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696 APPLIED SCIENCES When is the reflective form used in German although the passive voice is employed in English Give examples and mention some verbs which are only used reflectively Supply in the following expressions the pro- noun of the second person singular in the requisite cases ueriangt traumt afynt froftelt- fyungert bunft What parts of the verb may be used in order to express command besides the usual form of the imperative Give examples Do verbs of choosing appointing declaring &a govern in German two accusatives as is the case in English and in the classical languages Give examples and show what usage is followed after the verbs iefyren-nennen-fyeif$en Show by examples when the preposition of י is expressed by the genitive case when it is translated by tton when it is not expressed in German at all IV £cjMrtmcnt of the &n4 ltelr Sciences tbtnttin What as described by St Matthew were the main characteristics of our Lord's ministry in Galilee Explain the relation between the religious and moral teaching of the Sermon on the Mount Discuss the miracle of the healing of the Centurion's servant in the eighth chapter of St Matthew as illustrating
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