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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-692

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694 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Β Translate into French They tell us that the nobles and bishops built castles and filled them with evil men and oppressed the people cruelly torturing them for their money They made many thousands die of hunger They imposed taxes upon towns and when they had exhausted them of everything set them on fire You might travel day and not find one man living in town or in the country one cultivated field The poor died of hunger and they who were once men of substance now begged their bread from door to door Never did the country suffer greater evils The very Pagans did not more evil than these men did If two or three men were seen riding up to town all its inhabitants left it taking them for plunderers To till the ground was as vain as to till the sand on the sea-shore And this lasted growing worse and worse throughout Stephen's reign Give the feminine of dovot-jaloux-bref-loin-beau- frere and the plural of detail-fou-ver-a-soie-tete-a-tete -chacal Give the past participle of rendre-craindre-resoudre -apercevoir-acquorir and the present participle of avoir -decouvrir-munir-peindre-coudre When is the subjunctive used after relative pronoun Give examples Distinguish between tandis que-pendant que vers- envers quoique-quoi que avant-devant sous-dessous -German Translate into English SBalb παφ Qefdjiofjenem grieben mafytt ber $i nig Sinftait bie ieberianbe gu toeriaffen unb in feine ifym fo euern jpan en taaten jurucfjufe ren Sine ber ft t$txgften Stngelegenfyetten bie er ηοφ toor feiner Stbreife gu beric tigen fanb tear bie inietning eine
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