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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-690

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

692 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE surnum stowum swySe cludig and licgaS wilde moras wi5 easten and wiS uppon emnlange 8em bynum lande On paem morum eardiaS Finnas And aer is mid Estum an msegS 8et hi magon cyle gewyrcan and pser licgaS deadan menn swd lange and ne fiiliaS fset hy wyrcaS one cyle him on And Jeah man asette twegen fsetels full ealaS oSSe wseteres hy gedog paet segfer biS oferfroren sam hit sy sumor sam winter Translate WoriaS winsalo waldend licgaS Dreame bidrorene duguS eall gecrong Wlonc bi wealle sume wig fornom Ferede in forSwege sumne fugel b9er Ofer heanne holm sumne se hara wulf DeaSe gedaelde sumne dreorighleor In eorSscrsefe eorl gehydde Yj de swd isne eardgeard selda scseppend Op Ā£3et burgwara breahtma lease Eald enta geweorc idlu stodon 10 Translate heofenlican sehta sind us eallum gemsene Nacode we waeron acennede and nacode we gewitaS faere sunnan beorhtnys and 8es monan leoht and ealra tungla sind gemsene pirn rican and Sam heanan Ren- scuras and cyrcan duru fulluht and synna forgyfennys hnsclgang and Godes neosung sind eallum gemsene earmum and Sadigum ac se ungesselige gytsere wile m&re habban fonne him genihtsumaS 0nne ha furSoja orsorh ne bricS his genihtsumnysse
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