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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-671

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 673 Translate into Greek Pericles also attended the lectures of Zeno of Elea who in natural philosophy was follower of Parmenides and who by much practice in the art of disputing had learned to con- found and silence all his opponents as Timon the Phlasian declares in these verses Have you not heard of Zeno's mighty powers Who could change sides yet changing triumph'd still In the tongue's wars But the philosopher with whom he was most intimately acquainted who gave him that force and sublimity of senti- ment superior to all the demagogues who in short formed him to that admirable dignity of manners was Anaxagoras the Clazomenian This was he whom the people of those times called nous or intelligence either in admiration of his great understanding and knowledge of the works of nature or because he was the first who clearly proved that the universe owed its formation neither to chance nor necessity but to pure and unmixed mind who separated the homo- geneous parts from the other with which they were confounded Charmed with the company of this philosopher and in- structed by him in the sublimest sciences Pericles acquired not only an elevation of sentiment and loftiness and purity of style far removed from the low expression of the vulgar but likewise gravity of countenance which relaxed not into laughter firm and even tone of voice an easy deportment and decency of dress which no vehemence of speaking ever put into disorder These things and others of the like nature excited admiration in all that saw him VII unttte Book III Translate ΐσων τώδβ αλλ' ίΚασσόνων αμαρτημάτων ομως 86 τη ίΚπίδι έπαιρό- μ νοι κιν8υν υονσι κα ovdeis πω καταγνονς ίαντον μη π ρύσεσθαι
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