Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 664
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666 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Motu sonoque terruit pavidum genus Hoc mersum limo quum jaceret diutius Forte una tacite profert stagno caput Et explorato rege cunctas evocat Illae timore posito certatim adnatant Lignumque supra turba petulans insilit Quod quum inquinassent omni contumelia Alium rogantes regem misere ad Tovem Inutilis quoniam esset qui uerat datus Turn misit illis hydrum qui dente aspero Corripere coepit singulas Frustra necem Fugitant inertes vocem praecludit metus Furtim igitur dant Mercurio mandata ad Iovem Afflictis ut succurrat Tunc contra deus Quia noluistis vestrum ferre inquit bonum Malum perferte Vos quoque ο cives ait Hoc sustinete majus ne veniat malum For Latin Prose As soon as the Lacedaemonians had intelligence of these proposals they were greatly alarmed and sent ambassadors to Athens to entreat the people to send their wives and chil- dren to Sparta and to accept from them what was necessary for the support of such as were in years for the Athenians having lost both their city and their country were certainly in great distress Yet when they had heard what the am- bassadors had to say they gave them such an answer by the direction of Aristides as can never be sufficiently admired They said They could easily forgive their enemies for think- ing that everything was to be purchased with silver and gold because they had no idea of anything more excellent but they could not help being displeased that the Lacedaemonians should regard only their present poverty and distress and forgetful of their virtue and magnanimity call upon them to fight for Greece for the paltry consideration of supply of provisions Aristides having drawn up his answer in the form of decree and called all the ambassadors to an audience in full assembly bade those of Sparta tell the
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