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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-653

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 655 article Write out the English and Latin of Articles xix and xxi Compare the definition of the Church in our Article with the Roman doctrine pointing out how far we agree and where we differ Examine the distinction between the visible and the invisible Church Show the bearing of St Paul's teaching in the Acts of the Apostles upon the question of the Infallibility of the Church Show the incompatibility of the Roman doctrine re- specting the need of an infallible authority with the first principles of faith Sketch the history of the doctrine of the Infallibility of the Pope since the time of the Reformation Illustrate by historical facts the falsity of Papal Infallibility Explain and justify the statement that" General Councils may not be gathered together without the commandment and will of Princes Show its special importance at the time of the Reformation Examine the principle which our Church lays down respecting the authority of General Councils 10 Dr Field says We do more honour and esteem and more fully admit all the General Councils that ever hitherto have been holden than they the Romanists do Explain and justify this statement VL-article relating to tije CveeD Write down the English and Latin of Articles III and IV Explain what occasion there was in the circumstances of the day for separate article on the subject of Christ's descent into Hell and give an account of the controversy which then prevailed on the subject
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