Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 570
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570 students' boxes STUDENTS' BOXES With the view of enabling Students and Pupils of th School effectually to take care of their Books Caps an Gowns and other articles belonging to them boxes ar placed in the Corridors leading from the Entrance Hal and in the Lobby leading to the Anatomical Department well as in some of the Class-rooms Drawers are also place in the Drawing-room IL Student may engage one of these boxes or drawer for the period of his Academical Residence provided this doe not exceed three 7ears from the 1st of January succeeding his first receiving the key for the sum of Ten Shillings Of this sum Five Shillings will be returned to the Studen upon his leaving College and giving up possession of his box or drawer provided the key thereof be duly returned but if the key be not returned before the Student leave College the Five Shillings will be forfeited Payment of this five shillings will only be made to the Student or Pupil in person or to some one unconnected with the College or School bearing his written order III Medical Student having one box in the Upper Corri dor in which to put his cap and gown &c may if he thinks fit have second box in the lobby of the Anatomical Department for his instruments &c He will be charged five shillings only for the second box two shillings and sixpence to be returned on giving up the key Student of the Department of Applied Sciences having box in one of the Corridors may have the use of drawer in the Drawing-room on the same terms IV Each Student will be required to pay for any injury which his box or drawer may sustain but no Tradesman must be brought in to repair such injury
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