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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-559

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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THE SCHOOL 559 Parker William Henry Parker William Partridge Richard Grenville Paterson Herbert John Paterson Marcus Sinclair Paul Thomas William Payn Frederick William Payne Horatio Valentine Pearce Edward Nathaniel Peck Percy Perry George Edgar Phillips Richard Sylvester Pickford Frank Pierce George Oliver Plowright George Edward Pocock Bernard Morley Pollock William Bateman Poole Henry Poole Samuel Pomroy Harold Walter Pritchard Henry Gibbon Prosser William Ernest Ramm Charles Arthur Ranken Alexander Peter Read Arthur Richard Read Edgar Norton Reed Charles Brockman Reeves Alfred Reeves Frank Richards Henry Edward Riches Clifford Waterer Rideout Percy Rodney Ridsdale Arthur Herbert Ridsdale Robert Purcell Robertson James Roberts George Alexander Robinson Christopher Robinson Leigh Robinson Keith Robinson Percy Lorimer Robinson George Alfred Rockstro Frank Rogers George Samuel Roupell Ernest Percy Rowbotham Robert Bruce Rusby Edward Lionel Rusby Leonard Hastings Russell Albert Russell Robert Edward Russell John Ronald Ryley Arthur Beresford Safford George Herbert Sander Hermann Adolph Sanders Arthur Sandon Alfred George Sansbury Farquh arson Jack son Sargent Arthur John Saunders Alfred Saunders Henry Scales Ernest Hugo Scales Harold John Scantlebury William Addison Η Schubert Charles Edward Scott Charles Robert Scott Harry Douglas Scott Morris Fitzgerald Scott Robert Percy Scott William Scurfield Richard Octavius Scudamore Oscar William Seligman Hugo Ignatz Sellwood Charles Benf ord Sellwood John Ernest Sequeira Walter Scott Seymour William Frederick Shapland Stanley Charles
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