Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 557
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ΤΙΙ Ε SCHOOL Hancock Aldan Robert Hnrbord Arthur Suflield Harbonl Charles Musgrave Harding Maynard Hardy Francis Simeon Harrison William George Harris Percy John Harston Arthur Harvey Francis Joseph Hatch Frederick William Haiighton William Wakclield Hay Frank Henderson Winfred Stanley Hennell Arthur Barclay Henry Alfred Stanley Ilctherington Gerald Moore Heppenstall Thomas Henry Heritage Stanley Stuart Hextall George Bown Heyer George Hickman Harry lliller Edward John Hill William Thomas Hill George Ernest Holland Walter Percy Hoole Bernard Boole Elijah Basil Hope George Hope Louis Victor Hopewell Samuel Prince Hose Arthur Cyril Hose James Augustine loulder Maurice Charles Iouldcr Stafford James Ioward Charles Edward iuhhard Robert Francis ludson Edward Reginald ludson George Wreford Hughes Philip Vernon Hunter Frederick William Hunt Percy Charles Hunt Percy Hutchins Chafes Ilutton Herbert William Hyslop David Blaikie Ireland Thomas Frederick Jackson Arthur Blomlield Jay John Stcrndale Jennings Harold Bertie Johnson Frederick Hargrave Johnson Harry Watts Johnson Henry Winter Junes Alfred Clifford Jones Frederick Keith Jones William Adam Jones William Prowse Joo Ley Khan Judd William Herbert Jutson Charles Bentley Keevil John Joyce Kemp William Edelinan Kemp Fleming French Kennaway Herbert William Kennedy Archibald John Kerby Frederick Gyles Ketchlee Benjamin Tressillian Kirk Alan Kirk John Kirk Frank Vernon Kirk Harry Bertrand Kleinau Frederick Rene Knight Hubert Knowles Charles George Kuhn Arthur Theodore Ladds ieorge Reid Lambert Joseph Alfred
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