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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-477

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civil service classes 479 commended to those who are very weak in Arithmetic md to those who have only short time for preparation The Secretary's office is always open for the receipt of fees rom 10 till Saturdays 10 till and it is also kept open rom till 45 on the opening day of each course Intending tudents should if possible pay their fees before on the pening day Unless this is done they are liable to be ite in entering the Class Rooms Students joining this class should at least be acquainted dth Vulgar and Decimal Fractions Proportion and interest 'hose who are desirous of preparing for Man Clerkship ad are not yet well acquainted with these Rules are commended to attend Class or Class IV in the eantime Students who are too late for one course and wish to begin teir preparation without waiting for the next are recom- ended in the meantime to attend Class which will afford 1em useful introduction to the work of the Men Clerks' lass The fee for Class will be charged according to the 3riod for which the student joins at the rate of 4s 6d per rening and the student will be able to attend on one or two renings per week The subjects of examination for Men Clerkships and Second ass Clerkships in the India Office and Customs Outport erkships are the same Handwriting highest marks tainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 400 pying MS to test accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing DO Digesting Returns into Summaries 200 English mposition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 ok-keeping 200 There is Preliminary Examination in first three of the above subjects Books required -Brook-Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan Gd Hunter's Self Instruction in Book-Keeping re ired by beginners Longmans 2s Hamilton and Ball's ok-Keeping required by advanced students Macmillan 2s ng's College Indexing 9d to be had at the College Students only Curtis's Outlines of English History
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