Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 437
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EVENING CLASSES 437 properly signed to the Librarian before the last day of the Winter Session In counting the marks for these prizes the following rule will be observed in cases where there is more than one Division of subject In any Second Class only four-fifths of the marks gained wTill be reckoned in any Third Class only three- fifths and in any Fourth Class only two-fifths In Classes below the Fourth no marks will be reckoned Names of Prizemen 1883 Holdsworth James Joseph 1884 Lines William Edward 1885 Bodman George 1886 King Charles Frederick William -This Prize is now discontinued Aggregate Prizes Prize is given by the Council to the first five Matri- culated Students who have gained the highest aggregate number of marks in all the subjects not exceeding in number of which Divinity must be one which they respec- tively bring up for examination at the end of the Winter Session No Prize will be given for aless aggregate than 300 marks nor to any one whose Schedule of attendance is not returned properly signed to the Librarian before the last day of the Winter Session In counting the marks for these prizes the following rules will be observed in cases where there is more than one Division of subject In any Second Class only four-fifths of the marks gained will be reckoned in any Third Class only three- fifths and in any Fourth Class only two-fifths In Classes below the Fourth no marks will be reckoned An Aggregate prize cannot be taken twice except by
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