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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-431

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EVENING CLASSES 431 XI Science Scholarships and Exhibitions Given by the Clothworkers9 Company -The following will be given every year viz Two Prizes of £10 each Two Scholarships of £20 each tenable for two years Two Exhibitions of £10 tenable for one year II -The Prizes are open at the close of their third or ourth Winter Session to all Students of the Evening Classes vho produce certificates of regular attendance on any four of he following Courses of Lectures viz Mathematics Botany Chemistry or Practical Chemistry Mechanics Experimental Physics Applied Physics Geology Mineralogy Physical geography Physiology Comparative Anatomy Metallurgy or pplied Metallurgy Fuel Agriculture provided that such Students have not already gained one of the Science Scholar- hips or Exhibitions in this Department III -The Scholarships and Exhibitions will be open at the lose of their First or Second Winter Session to all Students the Evening Classes who produce the same Certificates as ire named in Clause II IV -These rewards will be awarded for the highest aggre- ate of marks in the regular examination held at the close of he Winter Session in the four subjects which each Student las attended or if he has attended more than four in the our subjects which he selects -No Prize or Scholarship will be awarded for less segregate than 300 marks and no Exhibition for less than '40 marks nor to any Student whose schedule of attendance not returned properly signed to the Librarian before the 1st day of the Winter Session VI -The Prizes will be given wholly in books or half in books nd half in Cash at the option of the successful Candidate
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