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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-430

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430 EVENING CLASSES The Lectures will be illustrated by Experiments and are specially designed with view to meet the requirements of those who may be preparing for the London University Matriculation Examination FRENCH- Class -Grammar and Translation -ComOpfM position-Conversation roiessor moriarty 15 Δ Class II -Grammar-Idioms-Reading Dupuis ARITHMETIC Sayer FINE ART Professor Delamotte Class from to PRACTICAL BIOLOGY Groves Esq This Course includes Vegetable Morphology Histology and Physiology as required for the Lond Univ Sc intermediate and the Prelim Sci Exams The plants which will be studied being Yeast Mucor Penicillium Bacteria Protococcus Spirogyra Fucus Chara or Nitella Moss Ferns Monocotyledon Gymnosperm and an Angiospenn The methods of putting up temporary and permanent preparations for the Microscope will be taught and sections ready cut and stained will be given to each student Fee for the Course £1 lis 6d Class from to Friday LATIN Class -Virgil Georgic II and 2Eneid XII Latin Composition optional Professor Warr Class II -Henry's First Latin Book-Cor- nelius Nepos Exercises Johν Lamb Bradley's -Grammar PRACTICAL METALLURGY ί Professor Ηi ntington McMillan Assaying and the Study of the Properties of Metals in the Laboratorj from to Most of these Glasses have special reference to the and Matriculation Examinations at the University 01 London and to the Entrance Examination ot the Theological Department All these Classes except when otherwise stated hegin a1 30 and last one hour and half The Fee for each separate subject will be 145 except תו the cases of Practical Chemistry Practical Metallurgy and Physiology which are 11 Is and Practical Biology which is lis 6d If the Blowpipe and Geology Classes are taken together or Public Speaking and Reading the fee will be 11 Is foi the two subjects
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