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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-429

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EVENING CLASSES 429 P'lACTIC AL CHEMISTRY Johnson FINE ART Professor Delamotte Class from to Instruction is given in Drawing from the Cast in Chalk and Sepia or Mono crome -Freehand from the Flat-Oil and Water-colour Painting -Drawing and Painting from the Life -Designing from Natural Forms Wednesday ELEMENTARY GREEK TESTAMENT Rev Twentyman ENGLISH History and Grammatical Structure of the Language-Analysis of Finch Sentences Composition- Ab-I stractand Precis Writing ANCIENT HISTORY- History of Graeco-Roman Art Professor Warr PHYSIOLOGY Barrett The Summer Course will include Microscopic and Macroscopic Demonstration of the Structure of the following Tissues and Organs together with incidental references to their functions The Connective Tissues and Epithelium Muscle Nervous System Alimentary Canal and Digestive Organs Respiratory System Ductless Glands Skin and Appendages The Eye The Course will be as far as possible demonstrative in character Thursday IiiCHANICS &c T0ML1Ni 0N Outline of the Lectures Kinematics-Motion Measurement of Motion-Space described-Illustra- ions of uniformly accelerated Motion furnished by Bodies under the Action of gravity Kinetics-Force Definitions and Principles-Newton's Laws of Motion- Energy Statics-Rest Definitions and Principles-Principle of the Parallelogram Forces-Triangle of Forces-Mechanical Powers Hydromechanics-Mechanics of Fluids Definitions and Principles- aws of Fluid Pressure-Hydromechanical Instruments
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