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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-411

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EVENING CLASSES 411 Palaeolithic and Neolithic Deposits Glacial Drifts Cavern Accumulations Traces of Lake Dwellings Land Oscillations nd Climatal Changes wil be considered Text-Books recommended Lyell's Student's Elements Page's Advanced Text-Book During the Summer Session one or more Field Lectures in he neighbourhood of London as well as an excursion of two 3r three days duration to some locality of Geological in- erest at distance from London will be given 28 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PRACTICAL BIOLOGY Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday from to and Thursday from to The animals forming the subjects of investigation will be hose required for the Lond Univ Sc intermediate and Prelim Sc Exams viz -Amoeba Paramoecium Vorticella Hydra Earthworm Fluke Distoma Snail Crayfish or Lob- 5ter Frog Fowl or Pigeon and Rabbit On Monday ecture-demonstration will be given and on Thursday the students will personally dissect and otherwise examine the inimals for themselves The Course will be illustrated by Diagrams Museum Specimens Fresh Dissections and Microscopic Preparations The fee for both evenings inclusive of animals for dissec- ion is Ā£4 10s 29 LOGIC Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The Subjects of this Course of Lectures will be those which are prescribed for the London University About two- thirds of the Course-Michaelmas Term and part of Lent Term-will be devoted to Formal Logic The ground and methods of Induction will form the subjects of the remaining ectures Text Books Fowler's Deductive and Inductive Logic Clarendon Press Keynes' Formal Logic Macmillan
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