Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 410
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410 EVENING CLASSES The Course will be illustrated by very extensive col- lection of specimens In the Easter Term the lectures will relate both to prac- tical blow-pipe work for the determination of minerals and also to the actual examination of specimens and will last fiom to For particulars relating to the "Tennanf Prize see Section ix Summer Course BOOKS RECOMMENDED Rutley's Mineralogy Collins's Mineralogy 27 GEOLOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The entire Course Winter and Summer will consist of about Thirty Lectures and will treat of the leading facts in connection with Stratigraphical and Palseontographical Geology The Lectures illustrated by large series of diagrams and fossils will have in view the preparation of students for the more important public Examinations Winter Session In the Michaelmas Term the Earth's early condition the formation of Rock Masses the succession of Life-Types the theory of Geological Eras and the classification of the Primary or Palaeozoic Strata with their characteristic Fossils will be referred to In the Lent Term the Organic Remains of the Secondary 01 Mesozoic Period and the various subdivisions of the Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous systems will be described Summer Session In the Easter Term the Tertiary Period comprising the Eocene Oligocene Miocene and Pliocene Groups the
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