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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-41

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37 Btng'S College Ε01Λ0 foaS fouittieti in 1828 מג 3ft01 al Chatter Clje following to an extract from ti 3ftopal Charter "'Snd toe do fjerebn toitl and ortratn tijat tije barious branches of Xitcrature and Science and also tlje doctrines and Sutics of CDijrtstiamtp as same are inculcated bn tl united £i urci cf England and Ireland sfyall be taugfyt in tl said College under tl superintendence of principal or otijer tad professors and utors or sttcf otljer Wasters or instructors as sball from time to time be appointed in tl manner hereinafter mentioned יי
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