Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 406
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406 EVENING CLASSES Of the Nutritive Organs -1 The Stem or Caulome General Characters of-Buds &c -External Modifications- Summary of its Structure in Dicotyledonous Monocotyle- donous and Cryptogamous Plants Of the Dicotyledonous Stem Pith Wood Medullary Rays Bark Of the Mono cotyledonous Stem Of the Cryptogamous Stem The Boot Distinctive Characters of Roots and Stems-Its Struc- ture The Leaf or'Phyllome General Description and Parts of the Leaf II Ofthe Reproductive Organs -Bract-Inflorescence- The Flower and its Parts Calyx Corolla Androecium Gynoecium Fruit and Seed Part II -Physiological Botany Functions of the Nutritive Organs -Food of Plants Sources of the Food-Epiphytes-Parasites-Saprophytes- Organic Constituents-Inorganic Constituents-Applications of in Horticulture and Agriculture Absorption of Liquid Food by the Root Practical Applications in Transplantation -Distribution of Fluid Mutters through the Plant Crude Sap Elaborated Sap Functions of Leaves Transpiration Causes-Amount-Influences of in Nature Absorption and Exhalation of Gases Respiration-Assimilation-Meta stasis or Metabolism-Constructive Materials-Degradation Products-Importance of Plants in Maintaining the Purity of the Atmosphere and Water-Wardian Cases-General Application of our knowledge of the Functions of Leaves in Growing Timber Trees Fruits Vegetables &c II Functions of the Reproductive Organs -Functions of the Calyx and Corolla-Fertilisation-Hybridisation-Ger- mination-Vitality of Seeds book recommended Bentley's "Students Guide to Structural Morphological and Physiological Botany 1
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