Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 387
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EVENING CLASSES 387 Summer Classes are held Examinations will be held and such Students only as have obtained at least Certificates of Merit in the subjects fixed for each year of the Technical Course shall be allowed to pass on to the next year's studies At the close of the Final Examination Special Diplomas of Honour or of Merit will be given In each Department of study special Money Prize will be given to the Student who most highly distinguishes himself ίη the Examination requisite for obtaining the Diploma Students who desire to enter on any of these courses of instruction are requested to communicate with the Dean it least week before the opening of the Department SYLLABUS OF LECTURES DIVINITY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday evening from ίο The subject of this Course is the Christian Creed and its Evidences The Third Part The Barry Prize will be awarded to the Matriculated Student who stands first in the examination at the end of he Winter Session whether or not he has already gained one the other Divinity Prizes ELEMENTARY GREEK TESTAMENT Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The Gospels Introduction Translation Syntax Exegesis The Lecturer hopes to make this course sufficient prepara- ion for the Entrance Examination of the Theological Depart- nent and at the same time useful to those who do not intend ο enter into Holy Orders As far as possible the instruction ill be adapted to the wants of individual members of the lass and if circumstances require it other parts of the Greek 1estament will from time to time be read Β Β
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