Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 376
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Page content
376 department for ladies Fire and life risks of Electric Lighting and the necessan precautions illustrated and explained PHYSIOLOGY By Nestor Tirard Professor of Materia Medica anc Therapeutics at King's College Thursday 4-5 Michaelmas Term Circulation The Blood-Corpuscles- Plasma-Coagulatior -The Structure of Arteries Capillaries Veins-The Hean in Man and in the Lower Animals-Conditions which affeci the Heart's action-Stimulants Exercise Dress &c -Th Pulse Lent Term Respiration Objects of Respiration-Respiration in Lowei Animals-Respiratory Apparatus in Man-Changes in Re spired Air-Conditions which affect Respiration-Ventilation -Effects of Vitiated Atmosphere-Asphyxia Easter Term Digestion Food-Its Preparation- Mastication- Deglu- tition-Action of Digestive Fluids in Mouth in Stomach in Intestine-Structure of Secretory Organs-Functions of Liver -Conditions influencing Digestion and Nutrition in Childhood and in Adult Life The Subject for each Term is made as independent as possible and can be attended separately The whole course is intended to meet the requirements of Candidates for the Cambridge Higher Local Examination and
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