Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 370
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Page content
368 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES Jean Paul's Leben und Werke Hesperus-Titan- Die Flegeljahre Die Sturm und Drang Periode Entstehung und Tendenz der Romantischen Schule Easter Term Goethe's Leben und Werke Romane Werthers Leiden Wilhelm Meister Die Wahlverwandtschaften Dramen Goetz von Berlichingen -Iphigenie-Egmont-Torquato Tasso Faust Epi- sches Hermann und Dorothea-Reineke Fuchs Gedichte Briefe und Selbstbiographie Aus meinem Leben Die Dichter der Befreiungskriege δ Die deutsche Lyriknach Goethe Heinrich Heine Special German Course Lectures on and Readings from the Nibelungenlied Monday 3-4 The Nibelungenlled Avhich is the greatest Epic Poem since Homer will be read in Modern High German Version and in general in the same way as Goethe's cc Faust" was read during the past Session The Text of the Poem will be fully commented upon and the most striking passages will be read in German and translated into English by the Professor short critical expose of the portion to be read through and explained will be given at the beginning of each Lecture in German Those ladies who may wish to study the poem in the original Middle High German with view of preparing for the Higher Examinations at the English Universities such as the Examination at the University of London the Medieval und Modern Languages Tripos at Cambridge &c will receive special guidance from the Professor who will also recommend to them an annotated Edition of the Original Poem
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