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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-368

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366 department for ladies The Translations and Original Compositions will be corrected by the Professor who will explain the principal corrections partly by marginal notes and partly orally at the Lectures Special assistance will be given by the Professor to those ladies who may wish to prepare for any of the University Examinations or who intend to qualify themselves for the teaching profession German Tuition by Correspondence Ladies living at distance from London may join the Composition and Reading Class '' and have their Compositions corrected by Correspondence as well as any difficulties ex- plained with which they may meet in reading the Text-Book They would be informed every week of the work set to the Class and would be expected to send in their performances weekly -Fee Ā£1 115 Qd per Term German Literature Friday 12-1 The Lectures on German Literature will be delivered in German The Professor will receive German resumes of his Lectures and return them corrected It is proposed to adopt during the next Session in the Course on German Literature the plan which has been recommended in Germany by the Ministry of Education for the efficient teaching of that subject and which consists in paying full attention to the actual study of the classical works instead of merely giving cursory biographical and critical sketches of the lives of the authors and their per- formances Each important work of the great German writers-specified in the appended Programme-will there- fore be fully analysed and the Lectures will be illustrated by the reading and explaining of copious extracts from the
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