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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-363

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a ent for department for ladies 361 ire prescribed by the London University for the year 1887 namely Virgil "Georgics Book ii "iEneid Book xii Ovid Fasti '' Books iii and iv Cicero Pro Lege Manilia 14 De Natura Deorum Book De Oratore This programme will be modified according to the require- ments of the students for instance in favour of those who may be reading for the higher Local Examinations for Women For Latin Prose Composition Easy Pieces by Champneys and Rundall Rivington's is recommended Written translation from unseen passages will be practised Grammar and Philology will form portion of each lesson GREEK GRAMMAR Gill Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Magdalene College Cambridge Elementary Class Friday 15-3 15 This Class is intended for those who have no previous knowledge of the language Text-Boohs Rutherford's First Greek Grammar" Mac- millan and Sidgwick's "First Greek Writer" Macmillan This course of lectures being completed in one academical year it will be found convenient to join the Class in the Michaelmas Term The Lecturer will receive written exercises weekly and will return them corrected
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