Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 355
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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 353 CHURCH HISTORY Monday 1-12 ן Rev Canon Curteis Professor of New Testament Exegesis at King's College Michaelmas Term 1886 The 16th Century The Reformation Lent Term 1887 The 17th Century Easter Term 1887 The 18th and 19th Centuries ENGLISH HISTORY 1628 Professor Gardiner Tuesday 10-11 Michaelmas Temu Unparliamentary Government The Scottish Troubles The Short Parliament Strafford's ascendency Meeting of the Long Parliament The Constitutional victories of the Long Parliament Religious differences The King's visit to Scot- land The Irish Rebellion The Grand Remonstrance The attempt on the five Members The breach between King and Parliament The first Civil War The Toleration question Negotiation with the King The second Civil War Execution of the King The Commonwealth Irish and Scottish Wars The Protectorate Cromwell's Parliaments Richard Crom- well The Anarchy The Restoration
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