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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-32

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28 king's college london act 1882 the General Courts respectively and all other matters regard- ing the College and the interests of the Donors and Fellows And all such bye-laws and regulations shall be binding on all members and officers of the College Council may accept Gifts and Endoioments 18 The Council may accept gifts and endowments for pro- moting particular objects of education or otherwise in aid of the general purposes of the College on such terms and con- ditions as may be agreed on between them and the persons offering such gifts and on such conditions as they please if none such are prescribed by the Donors provided always that such endowments shall be consistent with the general objects of the College as prescribed by this Act and if any question arises concerning the same it shall be decided by the Visitor And if it becomes necessary at some future time in the opinion of both the Council and the Visitor with the concurrence of the Donor if alive to vary such conditions as aforesaid the same may be done Annual Court of Members of College to be held 19 There shall be held in each year on day in February March April or May to be fixed by the Council General Annual Court of the members of the College And on such day annually the Six members of the Council not being Governors who have been longest in office since their last election shall go out but shall be capable of being re-elected but they shall not be considered out of office until their successors are elected as hereafter mentioned Casual Vacancies in Council ן 20 If any vacancy occurs in the Council except at the Annual Meeting as aforesaid it may be filled up by the Council themselves and the person elected to fill such vacancy shall go out of office at the same time as the person whose place he has filled would have gone out by rotation
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