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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-316

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314 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT the highest Student in the Examination provided that such Student exhibits sufficient merit to entitle him to receive prize Two Medical Clinical Prizes are given one of 31 for the Winter Session and the other of 21 for the Summer Session Two Surgical Clinical Prizes one for each Professor of Clinical Surgery of the value of 31 each are given at the close of each Winter Session Candidates for the Clinical Prizes will be required- To write from memory for the Medical Prizes the particulars of four cases taken from the practice of the Physicians which have been treated in the Hospital during the preceding Session each Candidate may select his own cases but the cases selected must be taken from the practice of different Physicians and for the Surgical Prizes the particulars of four cases taken from the practice of the Professor of Clinical Surgery for whose prize he is competing To give in writing for the Medical Prizes the substance of two of the Clinical Lectures from those delivered by the Physicians in attendance during the Session and the two Lectures are not to be selected from those given by the same Physician and for the Surgical Prizes the substance of two of the Clinical Lectures delivered by the Professor of Clinical Surgery for whose prize he is competing which have been delivered in the preceding Session The lectures to be selected by the Examiners To answer four questions on cases occurring in the practice of the Physicians or Professors of Clinical Surgery respectively within the Hospital the cases to be selected by the Examiners Certificates of Honour are also given to such Candidates for Prizes in each class as the respective Professors consider entitled to receive them All Students occasional as well as matriculated who have not exceeded their fourth medical year will be admitted to contend for the Class Prizes and Certificates of Honour provided they have attended -in Anatomy Physiology
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