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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-315

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 313 1883 lerrifield Sydney Sargent Senior Tann Alfred Mason ίΧ emor arless Albert Second Year 3ensley Arthur Egerton ץ Uensley Philip Henry Junior lollye Francis William 1884 Caleb Cornelius Clement Senior Jollye Francis William Second Year Ward Howard Percy ך Penny Jeremiah Junior Bryett Lewis Thomas 1885 Carless Albert Senior Bryett Lewis Thomas ο ג י י 1ך TT י eeq Second Year Ward Howard Percy Hewlett Richard Tanner ן Ballance Herbert Stanley Junior Beale Peyton Todd 1886 Jollye Francis William Senior Hewlett Richard Tanner Second Year Cargill Lionel Vernon ן Sandifer Henry Stephen Λ Junior Lack Harry Lambert XXI Class ψχψζ animcal $ri ee Certificates of honour jrtftertt an attendance Prizes are awarded for proficiency in the several subjects 01 Anatomy Physiology Practical Physiology Practical Biology Chemistry Practical Chemistry Materia Medica Surgery Medicine Obstetrics Botany Forensic Medicine Pathological Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy and Zoology These consist of Books of the value of £3 and are given to
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