Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 291
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 289 Science lExljtbirions given by the Clothworkers Company These Exhibitions of £50 per annum and £25 per annum each for two years are open to all Candidates who are under the age of 19 years on October 1886 whether they are members of the College at that date or not For Rules Subjects and Names of Exhibitioners see pp 225-227 No Student can gain more than one of the following in the same year viz Warneford First Class Scholarships Clothworkers Science Exhibitions Sambrooke Exhibitions barter βοίίι iftU&al anU xm for 330tan£ This Prize was founded by the late George Redsull Carter Esquire for the purpose of encouraging the study of Botany It is open to Matriculated Students of all Departments of the College who have not exceeded three Academical Years from the beginning of their attendance Students of the Evening Classes are subject to special conditions for which see Evening Class Department Section XIV The Prize consists of Gold Medal and Books of the joint value of about £15 The next Examination will be held on Tuesday July 12 1887 Names to be sent to the Secretary of the College by on Wednesday July Candidates will be examined in the following subjects Morphological and Descriptive Botany Classification of Plants This will include the general principles of classification and the essential characters of the more important natural orders which contain British plants τ
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