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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-28

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24 king's college london act 1882 College of whom to consist The College shall consist of the Governors as hereinafter defined the Proprietors of shares originally taken and Donors of the First Class being Donors of One hundred pounds or more and their transferees or representatives as hereinafter provided of Donors of the Second Class as hereinafter provided and of the Fellows now existing as aforesaid and such as shall be hereafter elected as herein provided and the Proprietors shall become and are hereinafter included in and called Donors of the First Class Power to hold Lands The College shall be capable in law to take purchase and hold any goods chattels and personal property and also not- withstanding the Statutes of Mortmain not only such lands buildings and hereditaments as may from time to time be used for the purposes of the College but also any other lands buildings and hereditaments whatsoever within the United Kingdom not exceeding the annual value of Ten thousand pounds to be calculated at the time of their acquiring the same and also to grant demise or dispose of all or any of the property of the College and to do all other acts incidental or appertaining to body Corporate Purposes of the College The College shall continue as body politic and corporate for the purpose of giving instruction in the various branches of Literature and Science and the doctrines and duties of Christianity as the same are inculcated by the Church of England shall be taught in the College under the superin- tendence of Principal and Head Master Professors and Tutors and such other Masters and Instructors as shall from time to time be appointed in the manner hereafter mentioned Places in which the Business of the College may be carried on The business of the College may be carried on not only in the said premises and buildings at or near Somerset House
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