Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 264
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260 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT based on precise acquaintance with the characters of selected types The Lectures are so arranged as to comply with the neces- sities of the Students who are working for the examinations of the University of London and of those who devoting themselves especially to Anthropotoniy desire to make them- selves acquainted with the morphology of the Vertebrata In accordance with this object the after-Christmas portion of the Course will consist of general review of the characters of the Invertebrata and special study of the Vertebrata For the Practical Class in Comparative Anatomy see Practical Biology 254 The Museum is open to all Students of the class and the Professor will give advice as to the necessary modes of studying the specimens which have bearing on the subject 18 Pathological Anatomy This Course consists of Thirty Lectures which are de- livered during the Summer Session The Lectures are illus- trated by diagrams specimens and microscopical preparations and the Post-mortem Examinations at the Hospital will supplement this course It is recommended that Students should examine the patho- logical series in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons with the aid of the Catalogue as well as the specimens in the King's College Museum Special Demonstrations in Practical Pathology are given by the Demonstrator twice week throughout the Summer Session 19 Dental Surgery Practical instruction in Dental Surgery is given three times week by the Dental Surgeon at the Hospital and Clinical Lectures on Dental Surgery are delivered in the Hospital during the Winter Session 20 Ophthalmology Clinical Lectures on Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery are delivered during the Winter Session
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