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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-255

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Page content

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 251 XXV Tutor in Chemistry Jackson Tutor in Physics Herroun Tutor in Botany Groves XXVI Dean of the Faculty' see page 262 Professor Curnow XXVII Kinq College Hospital see page 262 Consulting ArthurFarre Priestley Pfy iciaws Geo Johnson Garrod Physicians Lionel Beale Alfred Duffin Burney Yeo William Playfair Hayes With care of In-patients ForDiseases of Women and Children and Phy sician-Accoucheur ForDiseases of Women and Children and Phy- sician-Accoucheur With care of Out- patients David Ferrier John Curnow John Wood Sir Joseph Lister Bart Surgeons Henry Smith William Rose Assistant Ν Tirard Physicians Norman Dalton Assistant Cheyne Surgeons Barrow Dental-Surgeon-H Cartwright Aural-Surgeon -Urban Pritchard Vaccinator -Robert William Dunn With care of Out-patients With care of Jin-patients With care of Out-patients
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