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applied sciences 207 Analytical Chemistry Students of the third year have additional opportu- nities of studying Chemistry by entering for the Class of Ex- perimental and Analytical Chemistry for which the above Laboratory Course forms suitable preparation Class for such Students is held on Wednesday from 40 to and on Saturday from 10 to Fee Ā£3 30 not including the cost of Chemicals and the use of Apparatus 10 Geology Paleontology and Mineralogy For Students of the Second Year Lent and Easter Terms -Monday and Tuesday 3-4 The Course comprises about Thirty Lectures upon practical Geological Subjects and the Mineralogy of the rock- forming minerals The Lectures will relate to the last Geological epoch its comparison with the existing state of things and will include instruction regarding Water Supply and Soils One-half of each Lecture is devoted to the study and microscopic demonstration of rock and rock-making minerals The "Tennant" prize for Geology is given in connexion with the examinations in this Class at the end of the Easter Term See page 229 Mineralogy -For Students of the First Year every Saturday at 10 20 in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms These Lectures treat of the elements of Crystallography the crystalline forms of the rock-making minerals their optical and physical phenomena the Classification of minerals and blowpipe analysis The Tennant" prize for Practical Mineralogy is open to Students of this Class See page 229 Geology Palceontology and Mining -For Students of the First Year Michaelmas and Lent Terms Saturday 11 30- 12 30
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