Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 205
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Page content
APPLIED SCIENCES 201 of Towns by Theodolite Surveys for Railways Roads Canals &e Equalizing fences Geometrically Plane Trigo- nometry applied to Surveying Purposes Spherical Excess Trigonometrical determination of Heights and Distances Taking out quantities of Cuttings and Embankments Com- puting Scale Planimeter Setting out Curves by Chain and Theodolite Parliamentary Surveying Standing Orders Errors in Levelling Flying Levels Contour Levelling Plotting and Grading Sections Curvature and Refraction Sextant Heliostat Plane Table Transit Instrument Time Latitude and Longitude Third Year Lecture Room from to every Friday during the Michael- mas and Lent Terms Field Work at 10 every alternate Saturday in the same Terms The Third Year course deals both in the Lecture Room and in the Field with Surveying in its application to the various branches of Civil Engineering practice Setting out Work Setting out on Sidelong Ground Setting out Curves Trigono- metrically Setting out Curves when intersection of tangents is inaccessible Lengths of Curves Formulae employed in setting out Curves Sections and Cross Sections Aneroid Barometer and Hypsometer Selecting routes for Roads and Railways Contouring and Laying out Land for Building Irrigation and other purposes Dialling for Mining opera- tions Contract Sections Points and Crossings Tunnelling and Setting out Tunnels Gauging Streams Taking Sound- ings Measuring and Observing Currents Hydraulic Sur- veying Slopes and Slips Stadium Omnimeter Tacheo- meter Railways in England and abroad Passenger and Goods Main Lines double and single The arrangement of Passing Places Level Crossings Junctions Sidings Turnouts Cross- overs Stations and Goods Yards Steep Grade Railways Tramways Land Reclamation by embanking or warping up Foreshore protection Land draining Sewerage of Towns
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