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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-191

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applied sciences 18 III including surveying manufacturing art and telegraphy Dean of the Department for 1886 Professor Robinson Inst The object in view in this Department is to provide lystem of general education of practical character for young lien who are to be engaged in professional employments such Surveying and Civil Engineering Telegraphy Building Construction and Architecture Mechanical Engineering and the higher branches of Manufacturing Art or in com- mercial and agricultural pursuits or who wish to prepare for the Whitworth Scholarship Examination The whole course occupies three years and forms an ap- propriate introduction to that kind of instruction which can only be obtained within the walls of the manufactory or by actually taking part in the labours of the Surveyor the Engineer or the Architect Museums containing Mechanical and Physical Apparatus Chemical and Industrial products important and valuable collections of Models &c illustrating the subjects taught are open to the students Students who have passed the preliminary Examination for Cooper's Hill College may prepare at King's College London for the final examination for Civil Engineering appointments in India The following are the subjects of the different Lectures given in this Department with the names of the Professors and Tutors Divinity see page 189 Rev Wace Principal
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