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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1886-1887-160

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156 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE ATHLETIC CLUB The Council have taken large piece of land close to Wormwood Scrubbs Station as recreation ground for the College and School and an Athletic Club has been formed for its management All Matriculated Students of this Department are members of the Athletic Club and entitled to its privileges Occasional Students are admitted on payment of 105 6d for each Academical Year VI FEES The Fees payable by Matriculated Students are 14 35 6d per Term together with 41 15s 6d in each case for entrance fees -The terminal fees are reduced to 11Z 165 lOd in the case of boys who come up from King's College School provided they have attended at least five terms in the School The Terminal Fees are to be paid and the usual card of admission taken out upon the first day of each term Each Student of this Department on entering his second term contributes the sum of 11 15 towards the "Domus" Fund of the College The College Cap and Gown which are worn by all Matricu lated Students may be obtained from Messrs Cox and Son 28 Southampton Street Strand Boxes are provided in the Corridors of the College in which Students may keep their caps and gowns books &c See page 570 The Books used in the College and Stationery of all kinds may be obtained in the Secretary's Oifice
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