Calendar: 1886-1887 Page 111
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Page content
theological department 107 Logic and Metaphysics Latin Rev Momerie Sc Professor Rev M'Caul Lecturer Rev Knowling Chaplain Public Readina ReV J' D' RSEY B-D Professor 10 Laws of Health and Dis- ease in their Relation to Kelly M-D Pr0 Ministeral Office The appointments of the Professors and Lecturers in Divinity are made with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London as Diocesan and of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury as Visitor II general rules of admission Classes for Theological instruction are held both in the Morning and Evening The following persons are admissible as Students of this Department Class -All persons already in Deacons' Orders desirous of preparing themselves as Candidates for Priests' Orders and Graduates in Arts of all British Universities See Section IV Class Î’ -All Students of King's College London who having passed the necessary period and fulfilled the required conditions in the Department of General Literature and Science shall have been admitted to the Associateship Class -All persons who after having presented satis- factory testimonials to the Principal shall have passed the Entrance Examination
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