Calendar: 1885-1886 Page 738
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732 CARTER PRIZE Give tne essential characters of the following natural orders Cruciferse Malvaceae Cucurbitacea3 Composite Labiate and Orchidace83 To what natural orders would plants presenting the fol- lowing characters belong Leaves opposite Flowers dichlamydeous Stamens definite hypogynous Ovary sessile with free central placenta Calyx deciduous Corolla polypetalous regular Stamens numerous distinct hypogynous Carpels numerous distinct each with one erect ovule Corolla gamopetalous irregular Stamens epipetalous Ovary superior celled with axile placentation and numerous ovules tlfcatt tctuxea on JSanfetng What were the conditions for the re-registration of Banking Company on the principles of Limited Liability and what are the consequences of the change from Unlimited to Limited Liability on the existing and subsequent Sharehold3rs and Creditors of the Bank What influence has the accumulation of capital on profits and wages What are the functions of credit on the economics of production and distribution Is it expedient for the State to impose any control on the fiduciary circulation of notes payable on demand and on notes declared to be legal tender between third persons What is meant by the Laws of the Circulation Is the note reserve held by the Bank of England portion of the Circulation On what grounds did the Chancellor of the Exchequer propose the lowering of the standard of the Half-Sovereign to the level of ten-shilling token coin What objections were urged against the measure and what is your opinion of the same
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