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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1885-1886-51

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NAMES OF PROFESSORS ETC 47' ijeologtcal department HEBREW AND THE EXEGESIS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Professors 1846 Alexander McCaul 1863 2Stanley Leathes Lecturer 1863 Alexander Israel McCaul EXEGESIS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Professors 1846 13 Richard Chenevix Trench 1858 Charles John Ellicott 1863 Edward Hayes Plumptre 1881 George Herbert Curteis Lecturers 1876 Henry William Watkins 1878 Charles James Ball 1879 Charles Coleridge Mackarness 1881 George William Dauiell 1884 Richard John Knowling ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Professors 1846 Frederick Deuison Maurice 1853 Alexander McCaul 1863 James Craigie Robertson 1870 Henry Wace 1884 John Mee Fuller Lecturer 1879 Charles Hole These gentlemen were styled Professors of 11 Divinity" from 1846 to 1853 Prebendary of St Paul's Now Archbishop of Dublin Late Fellow of St John's College Cambridge and nowBishopof Gloucester and Bristol Late Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford and now Dean of Wells fi Canon of Lichfield Formerly Theological Scholar of Balliol College Oxford now Archdeacon of Auckland and Canon of Durham Late Canon of Canterbury Late Fellow of St John's College Cambridge
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