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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1885-1886-486

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480 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES BOY CLERKSHIPS Open Competition for Thirty-seven Clerkships December 1885 Smith Coningsby Johnson Swindell O'Connor Green Hare Sherlock Sawyer Barrow Skipper Cheffins O'Leary Felce Petter Miles Smith BOY CLERKSHIPS "Open Competition for Forty four Appointments May 1885 Todd McLeod Wade Morris Batty Umlauff Hancock Parker Fentiman Anderson Brandon Brenchley Pounds Walter Lewis Toone 'Harrison Hope Brasuer Geale Thompson Morison OUTDOOR CUSTOMS Open Competition for Forty Appointments May 1885 Grant Keeling Morris FEMALE CLERKSHIPS IN THE POST OFFICE Open Competition for Fifty Clerkships January 1885 Haydon Westlake Lawrence Burgess Jones Rush Garrod Clement Churcher Calpin Wilson Hopkins Jaques Hendrick Williams Burdekin Barber Worthington Fletcher Woolterton Pringle Wink worth Cary May Herbert Rudderforth Smith Hamblin Barber Bell Spenceley FEMALE TELEGRAPH LEARNERSHIPS Open Competition for Twenty Learner ships September 1884 Six Appointments gained
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