Calendar: 1885-1886 Page 319
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 315 ent and the Council during six months shall if otherwise igible be considered as having ceteris paribus claim to be ected to the office of House Physician Physician-Accoucheur Assistant He shall be qualified by me Diploma to practise Medicine Surgery or Midwifery at date at which his duties commence and shall have served 1e office of In-patient Clinical Clerk for the Physician for diseases of Women and Children and Physician-Accoucheur Out-patient Clerk to the Assistant-Physician for Diseases Women and Children Candidates will be examined in lidwifery and in the Diseases of Women and Children No Student shall be eligible to enter on the duties of this ffice at period later than six years from the date of his latriculation or year of standing see page 265 in the ledical Department The duties of Phvsician-Accoucheur's Assistant are as 110ws He shall have the immediate superintendence of all the lidwifery cases under the direction of the Physician-Ac- oucheur or of the Assistant Physician-Accoucheur in the bsence of the Physician-Accoucheur He shall apportion the cases see that efficient arrangements re made for due attendance upon them and accompany the tudents to their first cases He shall require daily report from the Students in attend- nee and shall himself visit and hold himself responsible for he proper attendance of all recently confined women whose rogress is not thoroughly satisfactory and shall report ill such cases to the Physician and Assistant Physician- accoucheur He shall keep an accurate account of the cases in the books upplied for the purpose shall send for the Physician accoucheur or Assistant Physician-Accoucheur in all cases equiring instrumental delivery and in all cases of difficulty ind shall be held responsible for immediately reporting all ases of irregularity or neglect
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