Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 618
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612 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Describe the appearances of oar Lord after His resurrec tion as recorded by St John Comment fully upon the following And forthwith came thereout blood and water My Lord and my God Full of great fishes an hundred and fifty and three Touch me not for am not yet ascended to my Father What do you know of Nicodemus-Joseph of Arimathsea -Pilate-Nathanael-Annas Name one or more of the legends connected with St John III -Hatm Qlnderii CvanSlattonS Translate Domini appellationem ut maledictum et opprobrium semper exhorruit Quum spectante eo ludos pronunciatum esset in mimo Ο dominum aequum et bonum et universi quasi de ipso dictum exsultantes comprobassent et statim manu vultuque indecoras adulationes repressit et insequenti die gravissime corripuit edicto dominumque se posthac appellari nec liberie quidem aut nepotibus suis vel serio vel joco passus est atque hujusmodi blanditias etiam inter ipsos prohibuit Non temere Urbe oppidove ullo egres- 8us aut quoquam ingressus est nisi vespere aut noctu ne quern officii causa inquietaret In consulatu pedibus fere extra consulatum saepe adaperta sella per publicum incessit Promiscuis salutationibus admittebat et plebem tanta comi- tate adeuntium desideria excipiens ut quendam joco corripue- rit quod sic sibi libellum porrigere dub it are quasi elephanto supem Die senatus nunquam patres nisi in curia salutavit et quidem sedentes ac nominatim singulos nullo submonente et discedens eo modo sedentibus singulis vale dicebat Gfficia
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