Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 617
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Page content
GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 611 Illustrate the meaning of the words 'The Gospel of Jesus Christ' by an account of the contents of St Mark's Gospel From whom did St Mark chiefly derive his information What are the characteristics of the Gospel according to St Matthew What are our reasons for believing that St John was the author of the fourth Gospel Describe the Jewish world at the time of our Lord in Palestine in the East in the West Explain the proclamation that 1The kingdom of heaven is at hand What do we learn from the Gospels respecting our Lord's early life Give some account cf the significance of our Lord's temptation Explain the meaning of the Beatitudes in their immediate relation to our Lord's ministry 10 State the main principles asserted in the Sermon on the Mount II ptl 01 $οϊ π Quote any words or expressions from the last chapters of this Gospel which support the argument from י internal evidence' in favour of the Johannine authorship יי Ο iu Translate into English α ηλθον ovv 01 στρατιώται και τον μ£ν πρώτον κατέαξαν τά σκέλη κα τον άλλον τον σνστανρωθέντος αντω δ αν τίνων άφητ τάς αμαρτίας άφίενται αντοϊς' αν τίνων κρατητε κ κράτηνται Eyey care άπο των όψαρίων ών πιάσατ ννν What is meant by6 the theory of visions Has it any special connection with any of the events in these last chapters of the Gospel
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