Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 608
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602 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT evidence for the Kite of Confirmation and add the testimony of early Christian writers State the differences in the administration of this Rite which find place in the several branches of the Catholic Church with regard to the matter form minister age of candidate Give the history of the Preface and Questions which precede Confirmation in the present English office Adduce evidence to shew that from the earliest Christian times the marriage of Christians was solemnised under the sanction and with the benediction of the Church and account for this fact Give the history of the marriage ceremonies still employed by the Church of England Point out the principal changes made in our office at the revisions of 1552 and 1661 Derive Banns and interpret the rubric which regulate their publication Account for the archaic wording of the Betrothal and comment on the phrases יtill death us do part'-'T plight thee my troth י- with my body thee worship 01 del ev reaaapaKoarfj γάμους π iteXelv By what Council and when was this enacted How was the rule afterwards extended What attitude should the English parish priest adopt with regard to such prohibitions On what authority does our Table of Kindred and Affinity rest and on what principles is it constructed Describe the Sarum Ordo ad visit and um infirmum noting points in which our Order corresponds or diverges By what safeguards is the present Absolution of the Sick protected from abuse Compare the mediaeval method How may the form ego absolvo te be defended Is it primitive or universal What evidence is supplied by Scripture and Catholic antiquity with regard to the Unction of the Sick When was it first termed extreme unction and for what reason Describe the medheval ceremonies connected with the rite and the office of 1549 Quote precedents from the practice of the Early Church for the Communion of the Sick with the reserved
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