Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 606
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600 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Deduce fully from this Epistle the Christian law of marriage and divorce Glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are His Write practical and critical commentary on this passage 10 Descrioe Roman colonia and shew by instances the advantages of such place for the introduction of Christianity Write out the Latin of the Article on the Sacraments and of that on the Lord's Supper Distinguish and explain the various propositions con- tained in the definition of Sacraments given in the former article Justify the assertion that there are only two Sacraments ordained of Christ our Lord in the Gospel Illustrate the view of the Church of England respecting the nature and operation of Sacraments from the argument respecting the Roman doctrine of the so-called Sacrament of Penance in Hooker's sixth book Explain fully the sense in which the term Regeneration is used in the article on Baptism Examine the evidence of Holy Scripture respecting the efficacy of Baptism State and explain the various designations which have been applied to the Holy Communion State historically the views which have been held respecting the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Lord's Supper explaining more particularly and justifying the teaching 01 the Church of England on the subject Justify the statement that inissarum sacriiicia blasphenia figment sunt et perniciosa3 imposturae 10 Explain and vindicate the function of excommunication in the Church
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