Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 553
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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 547 1866 Philpot Charles William Shaw Thomas Clay Gooding Ralph 867 Berrell Charles 1870 Curnow John 1871 Lvell Robert Wishart 1873 Cockburn John Alexander 1874 Duncan Andrew 1877 Titard Nestor sidore Charles Schol Gold Medal Sedgefield Arthur Robert Wyatt 1878 Willcocks Frederick 1879 Taylor Harold Gilbertson Gold Medal 1881 Silk John Frederick William 1883 Maddison William Thomas HONOURS AT DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE General Proficiency 18 Kempthorne Henry Law Gold Medal 1867 Kelly Charles Gold Medal Arlidge John Thomas Qualified for Medal Shaw Thomas Clave Qualified for Medal 1868 Smith Robert Shingleton Gold MedaU 1870 Baxter Evan Buchanan Qualified for Medal 1871 Curnow John Gold Medal 1874 Cockburn John Alexander Gold Medal 1875 Yeo Isaac Burney Qualified for Medal HONOURS AT DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SURGERY 18 Bond Thomas Gold Medal Casey Edward 1875 Rose William 1876 Duncan Andrew Gold Medal FACULTY OF ARTS HONOURS AT INTERMKDIATU EXAMINATION In Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy ר Lambert Carlton John Scholarship 1876 Root Walter Plumb In Latin 1866 De Watteville Baron Armand 1867 Priestley Thomas Μ Μ
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