Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 542
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536 university distinctions Joseph B1CKERSTETH MAYOR For years Professor of Classical Literature and years Professor of Moral Philosophy 1s84 HENRY Roiunson Formerly Student now Professor of Surveying and Levelling Charles Macnamara Formerly Student afterwards Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of Calcutta now Surgeon to Westminster Hospital Richard St John Tvrrwhitt Formerly Student late Senior Student of Christ Church College Oxford William Benham Formerly Student now Rector of St Edmund-the-King in the City of London and one of the six preachers of Canterbury Cathedral Ν Υ Κ S1Τ DISTINCTIONS Obtained hy Students and Pupils of this Colley For Distinctions gained previously to 186 see the Calendar for 1865-0 xfor& First Class in Classics 1869 Richards Franklin Thomas Fellow of Trinity 1872 Goodwin Alfred Fellow of Balliol 1876 Milner Alfred Fellow of New wan-Midler Ernest Bruce 1881 Pollard Alfred William 1883 Long William Edward
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