Calendar: 1884-1885 Page 524
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518 RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS by the Students themselves or by their servants on their behalf at prices which are furnished from time to time Supplies for luncheon in Rooms can be obtained from 10 to 11 at the College Bar Buttery Luncheon and Washing Bills are sent in every Monday and are to be paid at once in the College Office An exception to this rule will be allowed in the case of written order from the Student's Parent or Guardian making himself responsible for payment at the end of Term Wine and beer may be obtained from the College Manciple RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS AND PUPILS IN PRIVATE FAMILIES The following permission of the Council receive Students not of the Medical Department into his House as Boarders Rev Belcher 05 Warwick Road Maida Hill Geare Esq Springfield East Molesey Rev Grosvenor The Cedars Sutton The following receives Medical Students Kenny 41 Guildford Street
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