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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1884-1885-401

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school of practical art 395 Any gentlemen desiring to join this Department or any single class therein and needing any information are re- quested to communicate with the Chaplain who may be found in his College Rooms during Term at on Wednesdays classes in preparation for admission There is special Day Course from 10 to under the charge of Professor Warr and Mr Gill in preparation for the Entrance Examination Fees £8 lis 6d per term together with £4 15s 6d Matriculation Fees The foil owing Evening Classes are arranged for the same object viz Winter Summer Latin Mon and Thurs to Friday Greek to Monday Greek Test Tuesday to Tuesday Fees for each class 14s per term or £1 4s 6d for the winter session II SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL ART Professor Glenny Lecturer-S Ireland The Classes will be open from to on Monday Wednesday and Friday Evenings The Council have decided to establish School of Art in which the usual facilities for obtaining instruction in Elemen- tary Art should be combined with the opportunity of applying the knowledge thus gained to practical purposes The course of instruction will therefore include every branch of Elemen- tary and Advanced Art and its practical application The instruction is based upon the systematic course adopted by all Art Schools and Classes in connection With the Science and Art Department of the Commissioners of Council on Education together with such subjects in the
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