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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1884-1885-369

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EVENING CLASSES 363 Winter Session In the Michaelmas Term the Earth's early condition the formation of Rock Masses the succession of Life-Types the theory of Geological Eras and the classification of the Primary or Paleozoic Strata with their characteristic Fossils will be referred to In the Lent Term the Organic Remains of the Secondary or Mesozoic Period and the various subdivisions of the Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous systems will be described Summer Session In the Easter Term the Tertiary Period comprising the Eocene Oligocene Miocene and Pliocene Groups the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Deposits Glacial Drifts Cavern Accumulations Traces of Lake Dwellings Land Oscillations and Climatal Changes wil be considered Text-Books recommended Lyell's Student's Elements Page's Advanced Text-Book During the Summer Session one or more Field Lectures in the neighbourhood of London as well as an excursion of two or three days duration to some locality of Geological in- terest at distance from London will be given 29 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to These lectures will bo made supplementary to the class of Practical Biology The whole Animal Kingdom wall be treated of special attention being devoted to the anatomy and development of those animals included in the examina- tion of the University of London The lectures will be illustrated by specimens from the museum as well as by drawings and microscopical preparations
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